Online Course Offerings

To register for online courses click here.

Money Management Course

Money Management is a self-paced online course through the ehomeamerica platform completed in segments with helpful quizzes throughout. Money Management is comprehensive in teaching consumers how to improve cash flow, decrease debt, improve credit scores and plan for unexpected expenses. People who take the course complete a follow-up call with a KVCAP counselor once the course is complete. The fee for this course is $50.

First Gen Applicants must take a MaineHousing approved Financial Literacy class and a hoMEworks or MaineHousing approved Homebuyer Education Class prior to closing.  Money Management online course may be applied as a First Gen approved Financial Literacy class.

Post Purchase Homeownership Education

eHomeamerica’s Post Purchase course, is designed to help you understand what happens after you move into your home. The course prepares homeowners for the long-term responsibilities of owning a home, such as, home expenses, maintenance, tax benefits and who to contact if a financial hardship happens. Study at your own pace and from the comfort of your own home. A one-on-one follow up phone call with knowledgable KVCAP staff may be offered once the course is complete. The fee for this course is $50

Foreclosure Prevention Education

eHomeamerica’s Foreclosure Prevention course is a self paced course designed to help homeowners who may be experiencing financial difficulty to understand what foreclosure may mean. The course will provide valuable information about the when, where, why and what, and, most importantly, the tools available to you if faced with the difficult decision of foreclosure. This course prepares homeowners facing this trying time with tools to navigate the potential scams and the process after foreclosure. A one-on-one follow up phone call with knowledgable KVCAP staff may be offered once the course is complete. The course is offered free of charge.

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